Wednesday 22 March 2017

Fax Multicasting

Fax solutions it is time to take a new look at fax messaging and see how it can bring to your company by the integration of applications in the workflow process. Most network managers believe understand the functioning of the network fax. They know that fax servers allow to send documents directly from a network computer through a print queue. They include such features directories of online fax and fax multicasting. They also know that a fax server reduces the time spent on sending a fax from a few minutes to a few seconds, increasing at the same time the productivity of employees and reducing the cost related to office workers and white collar workers. However, few professionals network realize how a fuller integration of fax messaging in the enterprise environment little result in even greater savings and provide many other benefits in terms of competitiveness. As a result, several companies let opportunities to streamline their operations while increasing their income. A well integrated fax messaging platform can take advantage of other assets of your business, such as databases, applications of service to the customer, workflow systems, tools illustration of documents etc. FAC Sys Fax Messaging Gateway for Microsoft Windows NT is specially designed for this purpose. It provides an integration of open source, which allows other systems on the network to trigger the sending of faxes and incorporate the received documents on the fax server in automated business processes. Some examples of the way in which some companies use these techniques: targeted fax distribution. Several firms hold a lot of information on their customers in a database on SQL Server, or in a client file system. Division of business managers typically use telemarketing or direct mail to target the consumer matches a specific profile to a specific offer. However, in the era of voice mail, telesales becomes a less effective method. Studies have also shown that people more attentions to the faxes to traditional mail. Targeted fax broadcasting is an economical way to convey to potential customers of the targeted messages. Recipients matching the desired criteria can be selected from the database and a powerful promotional tool can be developed using a desktop application. This document can also be customized so that the recipient can perceive it as a multicast. Automatic faxes. PMsoftware can also be configured to send faxes intended for individuals according to triggers or specific events in other applications. For example, a database of accounts receivable can send notices of overdue fax account, thus eliminating delays and expenses associated with traditional mail. A national paint manufacturer uses same PM software to disseminate a list of bad payers in all its centres shipping across the country, in order to ensure that no other goods be sent to these customers. Fax is the medium that is ideal for this purpose because the handlers do not like having to use the computer to check the status of an account before loading the vehicles. A report by fax is very fine and can be updated automatically as many times as it is necessary. New orders by fax. The fax is useful for the receipt of documents as part of an automated process of conduct of operations-especially when it is done on the fax server. PM software, a major international chemicals manufacturer receives orders from all over the world. By the seizure of the CSID of the fax (number located in the top of the page identifies the fax of origin), the company can automatically send it to the appropriate account manager. In addition to notify the Director of customer, PM software sets in motion the rest of the order process. A copy of the order by fax is attached to the command file and remained there throughout the life cycle of the process. This copy is so easily accessible in the event of any conflict. The fax data. An important car manufacturer uses PM software to automate the callback procedure on parts. Its independent dealers receive forms on paper allowing them to order replacement parts. The dealer doesn't have to fax the completed form to the center of processing of orders, which use a treatment program of forms on the PM software fax server. Data on the forms are automatically entered in the workflow process. It is no longer necessary that an employee between the data manually, which was a process costly and prone to errors. Because dealers have no network connection with the center of processing of orders, the fax is the ideal solution for the transmission of data. Unfortunately, many companies pass these benefits because of a mis perception of the role that currently holds the fax on the stage of the communications. They imagine that the fax is outdated technology. Yet, nothing is further from reality. Fax a role more and more essential in day-to-day business communications. The fax is instant, universally compatible, reliable and inexpensive. A fax from ten years ago can communicate smoothly with a fax server on the cutting edge of technology. Information in various formats can be sent and received easily. It is the most convenient way for the receipt of documents, the menu of the snack bar from the corner to the inventory of the day cards. Construction PM software is today available almost everywhere, at the office, by plane, by train and in automobiles and it is easier to use than a VCR! 

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